Full Moon Gentle Yoga/Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique for relaxation, stress reduction, and meditation. The term "Nidra" means "sleep," indicating that Yoga Nidra involves achieving deeply relaxed states of consciousness. This practice promotes profound rest and relaxation, which calms the nervous system, reduces stress, boosts immunity, and enhances overall health and vitality. As a result, practitioners often feel relaxed, present, and rejuvenated.

In this class, we will begin with a gentle yoga practice and pranayama (calming breath exercises). This will be followed by Yoga Nidra, performed while resting comfortably in a lying position, supported by blankets and props.

to process IH wellness insurance cards, call Maria @: 716-913-9959

Next class: Sunday, October 13, 2024 @ 6:30-7:45pm

Full Moon Gentle Yoga/Yoga Nidra