Virtual Yoga Classes

Monday evening 6:30-7:30pm Yoga Classes are being held Virtually over Zoom to allow you to practice yoga in the comfort of your home if you wish. Spring 2021 Virtual Yoga classes are available at this time by donation. Once registered you will be given access to weekly zoom links and are welcome to join as many Monday evening Virtual Yoga Classes throughout Spring 2021 as you would like. Donations are directly being applied to the overhead costs of Lifepath Yoga Center at this time. Any (one-time or periodic) donation gives you access to as many Yoga Classes throughout Spring 2021 as you choose; or you may re-visit this page to donate as you attend classes——you choose what you can afford at this time.

Donations may be made on this website or sent to: Maria Czechowski, 13225 Parker Rd., Holland, New York 14080
